Voice Automation Solutions
Industry Focused Applications
for Quick Deployment
Voice Automated Applications by Industry
Industry Adaptation
Each industry has its own lingo, acronyms and jargon that can be confusing to customers who are unfamiliar with the company speak or language. As a business within that industry, you want to make day-to-day interactions with your customers as easy as possible and break through that language barrier quickly.
Voice automation solutions including intelligent virtual agents (IVAs), interactive voice response (IVR), conversational AI, short messaging service (SMS) and other applications can streamline your interaction with your customers while keeping industry specific needs in mind. For instance, these modern technologies can:
- Get customers the information they need faster
- Deliver the data in the customer's frame of construct for a quick response
- Mass deliver text and voice messages in critical situations that affect a large number of customers
- Answer frequently asked questions
- Shorten or eliminate contact center hold times
- Alleviate stress on live agent staff
- Plus, much more!
IVAs and IVR systems can be quick to develop and deploy with Plum Fuse and its pre-built templates. And for those who need more robust features, Plum DEV is a VoiceXML (VXML) platform that enables developers to script their own code. Your team will have the power to develop the best application for your customer self-service needs using Plum Voice applications.
Customer Satisfaction Results
By using self-service voice solutions, businesses can service their customers better and more efficiently. It’s simple. Give customers the information they need quickly and securely while offering them a way to get personalized assistance when needed. In the end, you’ll have a happy customer because they no longer are sitting on hold waiting for a live agent to answer their basic questions.
Improve your customer satisfaction scores by giving customers the power to answer their own questions, and help reduce your overhead with a minimized live agent staff.
Technology will continue to influence consumer behavior, so businesses have to prepare accordingly.
Integrating Customer Data
Customer data is a sensitive issue and compliance can vary from industry to industry. In the quest to get customers the information and answers they need more quickly through automated solutions, there are considerations that need to be addressed. Security and compliance are at the top of that list, followed by database and systems integrations, deployment and any switches from an existing system. Plum Voice’s Professional Services team can guide you to success from the very beginning.

Industry Focus
Plum Fuse Templates
Plum Fuse, an intuitive drag and drop, low-code, Graphical User Interface (GUI) tool, gives users access to a library of prebuilt templates for voice applications in the Fuse Template Center. Users can choose the appropriate template to build a voice application for their business needs, then customize it to be unique to their brand and business operations.